Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ode to Casual Day

I love to wear my jeans to work
I get so much more done
If I could wear them every day
this job would be more fun

In fact, I think my pjs
would make work days so fine
I’d even like to go so far
as not to start ‘til 9:00


Deb said...

Amen. I got my jeans on today too!

Anonymous said...

Does far rhyme with pjs?

Perhaps we could dress Elizabethan like your cartoon character---poofy knickers, frilly collars, buckled shoes. Or shortly thereafter, the Cavalier look, plume in swashbuckling hat, blousy sleeves, open collar revealing medallion and hairy chest--early mid-life. These are the thougts about office attire I was willing to share publically.